Sunday, October 11, 2009

Small note to Hollywood movie execs and the city of New York...

A thought came to me upon seeing you had closed off half of the financial district in Manhattan to film "The Other Guys" - if you want authentic NY, stop hiring extras and instead, simply allow those living in the buildings along the streets you closed off to come and go as usual. You know, since they live there and all. I am sure they have better things to do than wave "Hi Mom!" signs toward the cameras if that's what you're so worried about. Going so far as to dictate whether they can enter their homes? And you're worried about *your* boundaries?

And to the city of New York, we get there's a certain financial boon to you selling off NYC streets like time shares in Boca to industry fat cats creating a film, but it might be nice to have a little respect for the residents of the streets you sell off....

That is all.

1 comment:

alexkeller said...

ha! i think you'd make a fine extra - same thing happened to me once in Chicago. I don't even remember what they were filming, but it certainly made getting lunch difficult that day.